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Avanacoon GalorMaine coon

AVANACOON GALOR Maine coon - la chatterie familiale née par passion pour ces beaux chats. Vous pouvez consulter notre page Facebook et notre blog où vous aller trouver la présentation d'évolution de nos maine coons et les conditions d'adoption d'un chaton. Avec le temps et l'expérience les nouveaux projets viennent. La nouvelle histoire commence avec l'arrivée de new stars d'Avanacoon GalOr - Championnes Internationales FLORA Buwele *E et Big-Hannibals BOSSA NOVA *D. Notre étalon, Avanacoon GalOr's Le Ban, né à la maison, a obtenu le titre "Champion d'Europe" et a commence la classe de Grand Championnat d'Europe.
/// Avanacoon GalOr Maine coon - the family cattery is born by passion for these beautiful cats. My facebook page and blog present the evolution of my maine coon cats and kittens are born in cattery. With time and experience new projects come. The new history begins with the arrival of new stars of Avanacoon GalOr - Int. Ch. FLORA Buwele * E and Int. Ch. Big-Hannibals BOSSA NOVA *D. My stud male Avanacoon GalOr's LE BAN (who is born at home) is Europe Champion and he started the title of the Grand European Championship.
/// Avanacoon GalOr Maine coon - the family cattery is born by passion for these beautiful cats. My facebook page and blog present the evolution of my maine coon cats and kittens are born in cattery. With time and experience new projects come. The new history begins with the arrival of new stars of Avanacoon GalOr - Int. Ch. FLORA Buwele * E and Int. Ch. Big-Hannibals BOSSA NOVA *D. My stud male Avanacoon GalOr's LE BAN (who is born at home) is Europe Champion and he started the title of the Grand European Championship.